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Students Article

                                                            I love my
          FAMILY TREE
                                                            family so much.

          There's a love within our family tree
          And happiness abounds                             To be apart of a family like mine
          Its roots are deeply planted                      is so divine
          In rich and fertile ground                        where love is shown
          We enjoy the rays of sunlight                     hurt is shared
          And endure the winds and rain                     our love for each other is never
          And when a leaf falls from our tree,              impaired
          Together we share the pain                        we talk
                                                            we laugh
          God gave us families                              we cry
          And never did intend,                             but we are a family
          That bonds of love built on earth,                and we do it all together
          Upon our death would end                          for as a family

                                                            we do it all as one
          When our life is over                             you hurt one
          And from earth our souls will flee,               you hurt all
          we find in a Facebook post.
                                                            and as a family unit
          Instagram and Twitter,
                                                            we will all stand tall
          are the way we keep them close.                   for we are family
          Some choose to stay well planted,                 a family full of strength

          to the place they want to stay.                   a family full of love
          But those who roam are only,
                                                            a family no one can touch
          just a keyboard click away.
                                                            that,s why i love my family so much

          Pratibha | Class- XI B
                                                            Daksh | Class- IX A2
          Suraj School M.Garh
                                                            Suraj School M.Garh

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