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P. 8
India is a famous country all over the world for
its culture and tradition. It is the land of various
culture and tradition. It is the country of oldest
civilizations in the world. The vital components
of the Indian culture are good manners ,etiquette,
civilized communication rituals beliefs value etc.
Even after the lifestyles of everyone had been
modernized Indian people have not changed their
traditions and values. The property of togetherness
among people of various cultures and traditions has
made India a unique
country. People here
live peacefully in India
by following their own
cultural and traditions.
Diksha Class - 6th SP1
Suraj School Rewari
India is known for diversity in the region, diversity in language, diversity in
food, diversity in clothes , diversity in the festival , diversity in states,
diversity in everything that represent the world country and it’s people.
INDIA is a country of the Republic that is for the people ,to the people and
by the people . People run there country, people choose their own leader ,
and people are independent of everything. India is a country where
Ayush Class - 5 SP1
people are changing according to their location. Each state has its Suraj School Rewari
incredible beauty of heritage as well as the nation. Each state has
it’s own history of religion
India is a famous country all over the world. Geographically, Our country lies to the South
of the continent of Asia. India is a highly populous country and is naturally protected from
all direction. It is a famous country all over the world for it's great cultural and
traditional values.
Our country India has a mountain name Himalaya which is the tallest in the world. It us
surrounded all three sides by three oceans such as the Indian Ocean in the South, the
bay of Bengal in the east and the Arabic sea in the West. India is a democratic country
which ranks 2nd in term of population. The national language of India is Hindi, although
around 14 nationally recognized languages are spoken here. Anshu Yadav 8
Class-8th shine 2