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P. 14
India is a great country where people speak different languages but the national language is Hindi. India
is full of different castes, creeds, religion, and cultures but they live together. .That’s the reasons India is
famous for the common saying of “unity in diversity”. India is also well known as the land of spirituality,
philosophy, science, and technology
Flag of India
The Indian flag has tricolors :-
Saffron, White and Green.
The first color that is uppermost color in the flag which is the saffron color, stands for purity. The second
color i.e. the middle color in the flag is the white color and it stands for peace. The third color that is the
lowest color in the flag is the green color and it stands for fertility. The white color has an Ashoka
Chakra of blue color on it. Ashoka Chakra contains twenty-four spokes which are equally divided. India
has 29 states and 7 union territories.
India is the seventh-largest country by its geographical area and is located in South
Asia. The beauty surrounds our country from each and every aspect. India is
Also known by two other names Bharat and Hindustan and the people of India
are known as Indians. The national anthem of our country is “Jan Gan Man”
and the national song of our country is “Sare Jahan Se Achcha”.
India is a Democratic country where people themselves choose their leader
and live with freedom i.e. they can do anything they wish to within the limits
of the law. If any citizen of India tries to harm any other person, there are also
rules and regulations to punish him in order to make him realize his mistake.
INDIA Kartika Class-8th 14
Suraj School sec-75