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                     Inequality is the integrity of "Unity in Diversity". India is a country that proves the
                     concept of "Unity in Diversity" in a good way. India  is famous all over the world because
                     the character of "unity in diversity" is seen here. "Unity in diversity" is the strength of
                     India which today recognizes India as an important quality.
      Harshita 6th SP1
      Suraj School Rewari  "Unity in diversity" has been encouraged for the great national integration characteristic
     of the country, which, in spite of many corruption, extremism and
     terrorism, will also be the basis of India's strength and prosperity.
     Generally people living in different states are different in their
     language, culture, tradition, apparel, festivals, forms etc. (Bengali,
     Maharashtra, Punjabi, Tahitian, etc.); Yet they call themselves Indians
     who exhibit "unity in diversity".



      A constitution is an official document with         The constitution, through its fundamental
      specialized legal expertise, which sets out the     rights, fundamental principles and principles,
      framework and core functions of the organs of       created a world government based on the
      state, and sets out the principles that govern      principles of equality and non-discrimination.
      those functions.                                    Judiciary after a thorough consideration of the
                                                          constituent assembly.
      In 1938, Jawaharlal Nehru, instead, the Indian
      National Congress (INC) declared that ‘the free     Justice is the only way citizens can apply the
      constitution of India must be formed without        principles of the constitution and protect their
      external interference. The meeting was              rights. The constitution of India pays special
      attended by the representative of all sections      attention to providing an effective legal
      of the Indian-Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Parsis,          solution. As Article 32 empowers the court to
      Anglo-Indian communities, Indian Christians,        issue orders or directors, including writs in the
      SCs and STs including women of all                  forms of habeas corpus, mandamus,
      denominations.                                      prohibition, quo warranto, and certiorari,
                                                          whichever is appropriate, in the enforcement of
      According to the preamble, India is a               any fundamental right, Indian justice brings
      sovereign, socialist, special, and the              measures such as public interest litigation, right
      democratic republic. The word “emperor”             to information and gives all children the right to
      emphasizes that India is no longer dependent        education. And the intergovernmental relations
      on any foreign power. The term “socialist”          for this purpose were to ensure national unity
      refers to a form of ownership and distribution      and integrity while simultaneously carrying out
      by the state. The term “secularism” refers to a     the task of economic
      state that does not have its religions as an        reconstruction  through
      accepted state religion. He treats all religions    democratic means and
      equally. The term “democracy” indicates that        to achieve this goal and
      the constitution established a democratic form      to meet the special
      of government.                                      needs of India.           VANDANA  CLASS - VIII SP1
                                                                                    SURAJ SCHOOL REWARI
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