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wouldn’t be lions! If you want to be confident, never ever take a step back just because “What
     will people around me think or say”. Confident people know the answer. They are one step
     ahead. They plan their move by answering the question with possible ways of what people
     will say or think and they would counter that.
     Next time my dear reader, BE BOLD, BE CONFIDENT.
     Word of caution : Don’t be over confident ; There is a thin line between being confident and
     over confident.

     Courteous / Respectful – Most people who have great personalities have great respect
     towards anyone around them. If you’re impolite or you talk in an aggressive or offensive
     manner, you are not a soothing personality. Be courteous from heart. We’re all taught that we
     must hold the door if someone’s behind you. We’re taught to not burp in public. We’re taught
     not to gobble food in front of guests. But what most parents miss out is to teach their children
     how to be respectful/courteous towards people who are less privileged or low in stature than
     yourself. I remember when Dhirubhai Ambani died, there were 5000 people in front of his old
     house. Most of them were factory workers. Not because their boss died and it was a duty. But
     because their boss earned respect by giving respect.
     Honest / Loyal / Trustworthy – A person with great persona is honest and loyal not to others
     around, but also to himself. A great personality is one who would boldly admit they are wrong
     when they are. Trust cannot be purchased, its not for sale. It can only be earned. And its a
     two way thing. Some people are known to have great personality if they can be trusted or if
     they are loyal. This is a rare thing now a days and next time be that loyal friend, boss,
     employee, father, mother, sister, brother or anyone whom people can trust – You’ll find a
     different pleasure altogether. yes,

     I know its so hard to trust people in this world, but you have to try.
     I remember the famous couplet of Raheem in Hindi which goes like :
     "जो रहीम उत्तम प्रकवत, का करर सकत कसग।
     चदन विष व्यापत नहीं, लपट रहत भजग॥ "
     Meaning : Rahim says bad company can not spoil someone with excellent character. As,
     snakes are always there on sandalwood tree, but the sandalwood neither  gets poisonous nor
     So be like that sandalwood’s personality
     Helpful / Cooperative – Plain and simple. “Only good looks and unmindful chatter makes
     jack a non helpful person”. People with great personalities are always helpful.They help

     Conclusion –Great personality and character is soothing to the eye. Contagious to some
     extent ! People thrive to be like whom they see or admire, but give up the thought very soon.
     ( Perhaps its the laziness or it could be underestimating yourself).
     My sincerest advice: Take the light from that “personality candle” and shine well; Oh shine so
     bright you must, that fill them with glittery eyes, so that one day, you can
      yourself be that “personality candle” who lights another and let this
     tradition continue through the generations to comes, Lets together take
      pride in building a better race.

                         Chandeep Kundu | Pgt Mathematics,
                                   Suraj School Kosli
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