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    Unity in Diversity is a concept which signifies unity   'Saare Jahan Se Acha Hindustan Hamara...'
    among individuals who have certain differences      An aura of purity, selfless love and devotion can be
    among them. These differences can be on the basis of   felt by just hearing these lines.
    culture, language, ideology, religion, sect, class,   These are not just words, rather this is the essence of
    ethnicity, etc. Furthermore, the existence of this   patriotism. But what is patriotism or how can it be
    concept has been since time immemorial.             defined?
    People have consistently shown this praiseworthy    Patriotism is not something to define, claim or
    behavior almost everywhere on Earth. The concept    proclaim, it's something that can't be explained in
    has certainly resulted in the ethical and moral     words. Patriotism is not a discipline that ought to be
    evolution of humanity.                              followed or a duty that has to be done, it's a devotion
    Unity in Diversity is very useful for a diverse country.   that stirs every heart. Patriotism is a bridge
    Above all, the concept allows people of different   connecting a citizen to his motherland.
    religions, cultures, castes, to live together peacefully.   If freedom is the oxygen for the soul, then patriotism
    The belief of Unity in Diversity certainly reduces the   is the molecule that makes oxygen.
    chances of riots and disturbances.
    Yaminiyadav| Class-8th                              Class-11th  Science
    SurajSchool,Rewari                                  SurajSchool Sector-75 GGN


    Patriotism means love and emotion for the           Patriotism refresh to the passionate love one
    country. There are lots of peoples in history who   has for their country. This virtue pushes to
    has proved and showed us what patriotism means.     citizens of a country to work for their country
    Mazzini, Garibaldi, Gandhi, Joan of arc, Nelson,    selflessly and make it better. A truly
    Washington, Ho-chi-Minh etc are the best
    examples. They have sacrificed their entire life for   developed country is made up a true patriots.
    the betterment of their country It teaches us to    In other words, patriotism means keeping
    love our country, not to hate any other country. We   the country's interest first and then thinking
    need to be active against every odd situation that is   about oneself. Patriotism can be specifically
    against our homeland.                               seen during time of war. Moreover, it helps in
    This is a character value that comes naturally and it
    increases because of better education and           building the nation stronger. There are other
    understanding. When we learn how our ancestors      sign finance of partition as well.
    have sacrificed their lives to protect this country   These are our traditional dress of Rajasthan.
    then we become inspired and get lots of emotions    Surajschool Rewari
    to do something for our country. We all can change
    the country.
    We can do better things. Can create
    jobs, can help poor, can teach
    unprivileged kids in the street.
    There are so many things to do.

    Mayank| Class 10th SP3
    SurajSchool Rewari                                                                            17
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