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New Year Resolution

                                                                                 Suraj School Rewari

         Garima                           Suhani Yadav                      Dhun Melayan
     Class- 3rd sp1                      Class-8 shine 1                     Class- 12 B1
                                       I'll plant more and more
    I'll finish my lunch daily.         trees and also help my elders.     I'll save my money and also
                                                                           improve my communication skills.
                        Nishu                                Vandana
                      Class- 8sp1                           Class- 8sp1
                                                                                         Sanjana Chauhan
  I'll stay positive throughout the    I'll eat much health food expect                Class- 11sp1 medical
  year and I'll also lower my screen   junk food.
  time.                                                                    I'll try to become a better version
                                        Vanshika Vasisth
      Hardik                               Class- 8sp1                     of myself.
                                      If I had decided to work to do            Vidhi Gupta
   I'll focus on learning new skills  today I'll not leave it for tomorrow.  Class- 11sp1 medical

                       Prathibha                            Harshit         I'll improve my studies skills and
                                                          Class- 6sp1       dancing skills.
  I'll start exercise early in
  morning and also start learning      I'll talk less in class and do more
  new skills.                          study for best result.                                      Prince
                                                                                                Class- 9sp1
   Anshu Yadav                             Suhani                           I'll increase the timing of my
  Class- 8 shine 2                       Class- 8sp3                        studies.
  I'll myselto not use much mobile
  phone and I'll also increase my      I'll learn dancing and also start     Yash Yadav
  learning skills.                     reading novels.                       Class- 9sp1

                   Nice Naharwal                              Ojasvi        I'll take part in many other
                   Class-8 shine 4                          Class- 5sp1
                                                                            activities in my school.
            I'll study more and get     I'll keep my toys on it's correct
          1st position in my class.     place after playing with them.                           Manish
                                                                                               Class- 9 Sp1
    Dakshita Jain                        Lavanya
   Class- 8 shine 2                     Class- 5sp2
  I'll try to use English at my                                            I'll work according to my time
                                                                           table and also start exercise early
  home and also try to develop           I'll learn lot more thing from    in the morning.
  more skills in drawing too.            my parents and teachers.
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